TEUNCNation Shrine

TEUNCNation was a free-form roleplaying game that developed out of the TEUNC group in 2003/04.

Originally, there was little online game called NationStates where you could steer the fate of a virtual nation. We flocked there and made up a lot of funny countries. However, as the game limited our creative freedom too much, we quickly moved into a Yahoo group of our own and started to draw maps, wage wars, tell stories and have travelling adventures on our continent of Balrog Cuttings (which was named after the home village of the original TEUNC group).

My own country were the United Orkish Soviet Republics (UOSR). I was also in charge of the global Balrog Cuttings map. There is some stuff by others here too.

Gaming activity ceased, by and large, in early 2005. However, it is still fondly remembered, and some elements and ideas for some countries were later re-used when we went on to build the country Fredonia.


Original online game: NationStates.net

Yahoo group: TEUNCNation Yahoo







The 40-Days Race


Stations and Rules

Tolfalas Team: Travel Log of Phlatulous Phogg

Roggytopia Team: Travel Log of Roggo Polo

UOSR Team: Travel Log of Lurtz C. Smellitoe

Amoebiatica Team: Travel Log of the Amoebas